Mount Hope Cemetery
Established January 8, 1881
Mount Hope Cemetery
900 East 12th
Mount Hope Cemetery was chartered on December 24, 1880. It was finally established January 8, 1881. Later on, it was hard to maintain the upkeep, so it was decided to deed the cemetery over to the City of Ellis on October 30, 1935. Soon after the takeover, the cemetery used the WPA manpower to build a stone wall around three sides of the cemetery, which was finished in 1940. The Bell Tower, which is a local favorite, was erected in 1962. It chimes short songs every morning and evening.
Notable People
Notable people buried in the cemetery include Walter P. Chrysler’s wife’s parents, George and Sarah Forker. The Forkers’ daughter was a local girl who grew up in Ellis knowing Chrysler, and later marrying him.
Also Kepple Disney, the grandfather of world famous Walt Disney is buried in the cemetery, along with various cousins and relatives of Walt Disney.
Praying John Horrigan, a man who came to Ellis and would pray at three different spots around Ellis at morning, noon, and night is also buried in the cemetery. Many theories existed on why he prayed, but John never told anybody as to why he prayed like he did, rain or shine, hot or cold weather.
More Information
Mount Hope Cemetery is located on the eastern edge of Ellis. Entrance to the cemetery is located by turning east at Spruce and East 12th Street intersection. The City of Ellis Public Works department maintains the cemetery and is in charge of grave opening and closing.
The City Clerk’s office maintains the ownership and burial records for the cemetery. If you are inquiring about ownership and burial records for the cemetery, contact the City Clerk’s office. Applications and fees for burial sites and marker permits should be applied for through the Clerk’s office at 785.726.4812.
Mount Hope Cemetery Grave Space Fees
Regular Burial Space | $300.00
Baby Island Space | $200.00
Columbarium Niche | $450.00
Marker Permit | $25.00
Mount Hope, St. Mary’s & St. John’s Cemetery Burial Fees
(There will be an additional charge if jackhammering is needed. Disinterment/Re-interment cost is double applicable opening/closing.)
Monday – Friday
Adult grave opening/closing | $400.00
Infant grave opening/closing | $200.00
Cremation opening/closing | $175.00
Columbarium Niche | $200.00
Saturday before 1:00 p.m.
Adult grave opening/closing | $550.00
Infant grave opening/closing | $350.00
Cremation opening/closing | $325.00
Columbarium Niche | $350.00
Saturday after 1:00 p.m.
Adult grave opening/closing | $650.00
Infant grave opening/closing | $450.00
Cremation opening/closing | $425.00
Columbarium Niche | $450.00

815 Jefferson, Ellis, KS
Clerk's Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Emergency: 911
Police Non Emergency: 785.726.4462 (0) | 785.625.1011 (C)
Public Works: 785.726.4741 (O) | 785.726.1741 (C)