Ellis Police Department

Honesty, Integrity, Fairness

Ellis Police Department


The Ellis Police Department is a 24 hour/7 days a week department with five full-time certified Police Officers.

Mission Statement

The Ellis Police Department strives to provide the highest quality of service, based upon the principles of fairness, integrity, honesty, and respect for human dignity.

Vision Statement

To contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life for our community.

Stay connected with the Police Department


Anonymous Tip

1 + 1 =


815 Jefferson, Ellis, KS

Email: ellisclerk@eaglecom.net

Clerk's Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm

Emergency: 911

Police Non Emergency: 785.726.4462 (0) | 785.625.1011 (C)

Public Works: 785.726.4741 (O) | 785.726.1741 (C)